Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The great new online frontier for jobs

Online recruiting has exploded in the last decade and with good reason. Not only have job posters and job seekers turned to the web and as an efficient portal to connect with each other, but also, doing this online presents a more dynamic and current time framework. Job posters can post and modify job descriptions in real-time. And job seekers can apply or retract their resumes at will. 

Furthermore, there are numerous job-related websites that allow one to upload their resume and have that be distributed to hiring managers across the industry they are in, thereby allowing one to search as actively or passively as they want for job openings while having one's resume reach the desks of exponentially more employers than paper-based searches. In searching for a job through online channels however, a job seeker may want to take several precautions if they desire to be discreet, especially if they are seeking to jump ship from their current company. 

It is advisable to not conduct online job searches from one's own office computer, especially if you know your company monitors its employee's online activities. And further, it is advisable for the seeker to use a discreet online e-mail account rather than a company e-mail account to keep the job search private. Simple steps like these can prevent any prickly situations with one's supervisor from arising!

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