Wednesday, December 26, 2007

To be or not to be: Choosing a career in today's world

Choosing a career in today's world can be one of the most empowering and creative endeavors someone undertakes. It is also one that can seem overwhelming and can easily seem like a fruitless chore. It is important to keep in mind that in today's world there are just as many career paths as there are people, such that how a person applies their knowledge, skill set, and aptitude is just as important as knowing which direction one is headed. In choosing a career, take stock first of what your talents are and where your interests lie. This can help narrow down your educational requirements. Once you actually enter into a job, focus on the experience and commit yourself to it. This way you can start to identify your preferences as to what environment you work best in, what inspires and nurtures your creativity, and how to leverage your aptitude into an excellent compensation package. Above all, keep learning throughout your job and be willing to adapt. In the end you may end up being able to carve your own niche and blaze your own path to riches.

Here is a site where you can take a test and find out the career you are best suited for.

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